Verran and snyder-halpern sleep scale pdf files

Request pdf verran and snyderhalpern sleep scale vsh the scale was developed in order to assess the subjective sleep quality of hospitalized. The instrument was developed as a modification of the verran snyderhalpern sleep scale 11, aimed at performing a subjective evaluation of sleep efficiency during the 24 hours before the. Adaptation of the visual analog sleep scales to portuguese. University micrcxilms international university of arizona. A randomized controlled trial of aromatherapy massage in a. Patients were asked to fill the questionnaire about verran and snyder halpern sleep scale vsh sleep scale. The martell and mitchell postpartum questionnaire, which measured takingin and takinghold, was completed the evening of delivery and the following two mornings. Sleep disruptions and sedative use journal of hospital. Sleeping problems are among the issues most mentioned by patients after cardiothoracic surgery. Complementary and alternative therapies and endoflife. Though the vsh was initially an eightitem scale, six additional items were added following psy. Ten participants were able to complete the two nights of study. The verran snyderhalpern sleep scale vsh is a scale which has.

Although no significant difference was found in ovaal. The factors influencing sleep quality fisq is a questionnaire which is. Halpern sleep scale, mccorkle and youngs symptom distress scale. The purpose of this study was to develop and test the verran and snyder. Karakteristik subjektif tidur klien rawat inap dewasa di. The normalized mean score for the vsh scale was 41. Results showed that patients experienced sleep disturbance with moderate levels 47,22%, moreover 25% patients experienced severe sleep. This tool consists of 16 items that includes three main sleep.

The sleep scale was chosen beeausc of the broad scope of sleeprclacd issues that often concern chronic low back pain patients. In the ward of our cardiothoracic surgery department, a study was initiated to assess the quality of sleep. Sleep quality and factors influencing selfreported sleep. This study described and compared the sleep experience of medical and surgical patients during a hospital stay. The modified version of the vsh 29 sleep scale was adopted in this study to assess sleep quality for eligible patients. Each response receives a score ranging from zero to 100. Sleep was measured on 3 consecutive mornings via the revised verran snyderhalpern sleep scale vsh sleep scale, which is a visual analogue paperandpencil tool. These problems can have a negative effect on duration of the hospital stay and recovery. The purpose of this study was to translate the verran and snyderhalpern vsh sleep scale. Fatigue scale was used to measure the fatigue level.

The verran and snyderhalpern visual analog sleep scale. Quality of sleep at the ward after cardiothoracic surgery. Quality of sleep at the ward after cardiothoracic surgery scientific. Verran and snyderhalpern sleep scale vsh request pdf. Measurement of subjective sleep characteristics of. The verran and snyderhalpern vsh sleep scale represents one such scale that has been used to measure sleep quality in hospitalized patients 3,7,21.

An assessment of quality of sleep and the use of drugs with sedating. We also hypothesized that the intervention would lead to improved sleep experiences, as measured by a questionnaire and verran snyderhalpern vsh sleep. Instrumentation to describe subjective sleep characteristics in healthy subjects. The outcome variables were measured on admission and at the end of 1 week via the following instruments. The verran and snyderhalpern sleep scales were selected to measure sleep quality. The verran snyderhalpern vsh scale uses visual analogue scales to describe sleep quality, latency and disturbance but none of. Outcome measures included a vas of pain intensity, the verran and snyderhalpern sleep scale, the hospital anxiety and depression scale, and the rotterdam symptom checklist. Using the verran and snyderhalpern sleep scale, perception of patients sleep. This validated scale encompasses the different parameters of sleep such as sleep.

Decrease in asneeded sedative use by limiting nighttime. The verran and snyderhalpern vsh sleep scale represents one such scale that has been used to measure sleep quality in hospitalized patients 3, 7, 21. During 3 consecutive nights, patients n 110 selfreported sleep quality using the verran and snyder sleep scale vsh and potentially disruptive factors using items from the factors influencing sleep. Promot sleep in icu research paper example topics and. This randomisedcontrolled trial was conducted on 90 patients in imam khomeini hospital in jiroft. Chronic pain and assessment of sleep full text view. Outcomes of therapeutic massage for hospitalized cancer.

Data collection tools in this study were verran and. By using the verran snyderhalpern sleep scale vsh, the authors reported a significant improvement in the overall score of sleep. Validity and reliability of the verran and snyderhalpern sleep. Participants will complete the verran snyderhalpern sleep scale, pittsburgh sleep quality index, pain and sleep questionnaire 3item index, bpi and psychomotor vigilance reaction time testing at 6 points over 20 weeks. Effects of autogenic relaxation and guided imagery on. Predictors of sleep quality and successful weaning from. Verran and snyderhalpern sleep scale and independent variables. These study results partially support reliability, construct validity, and criterion related validity of korean sleep scale. Using this questionnaire, patients provided an assessment of. Subjects completed three randomly ordered sleep questionnaires on three consecutive. Thirty four, twenty two and four out of the download full paper file format. The purpose of this study was to develop and test the verran and snyderhalpern vsh sleep scale, an instrument to subjectively measure sleep characteristics.

This validated scale encompasses the different parameters of sleep such as sleep disturbances, number of awakenings, difficulty in falling asleep and time spent sleeping is a valuable instrument. It was originally eight items, however six items were added. The sleep experience of medical and surgical patients. Few interventional trials have studied sleep promotion in medical. The purpose of this study was to develop and test the verran and snyderhalpern vsh sleep scale, an instrument to subjectively measure sleep. To determine causes of sleep disruption, and assess whether decreasing sleep. Phase ii doubleblind randomised controlled trial of. The verran snyderhalpern sleep scale captured sleep disturbance and total sleep time, but timetocomplete is more burdensome than the richardscampbell sleep questionnaire. During 3 consecutive nights, patients n 110 selfreported sleep quality using the. Development of the sleep quality scale semantic scholar. Frequently used instruments for selfreporting on sleep and sleep quality included the pittsburgh sleep quality index psqi. The vsh sleep scale was first developed by snyderhalpern and verran in 1987, then modifie28d by the authors in 1990.

There was correlation among korean sleep scale a score, verran and snyderhalpernvsh sleep scale scale, and sleep satisfaction scale score, r. Development of the sleep quality scale hyeryeon yi1, kyungrim shin2 and chol shin1,3 1institute of human genomic study, college of medicine, korea university, seoul, 2college of. The vsh uses a visual analogue scale examining sleep over the previous three nights. Sedatives promote sleep, but increase the risk of delirium and falls. The effects of aroma hand massage on fatigue and sleeping. The verran snyderhalpern sleep scale vsh is a scale which has been used in several studies of the quality of sleep of cardiothoracic surgery patients 17. The proposed hypothesis was supported for the sleep characteristic, soundness of sleep. This is a 15 item visual analogue scale, scored from 0100 mm, partitioned into three subscales sleep. Open access protocol phase ii doubleblind randomised. Transdermal fentanyl as treatment for chronic low back. A hypnotherapy intervention for the treatment of anxiety. Using verran and snyderhalpern sleep scale vsh sleep scale, quality sleep of 60 patients with and without usage of eye mask were evaluated. Vsh sleep scale on patients hospitalized in a coronary care unit. The scale was developed in order to assess the subjective sleep quality of hospitalized individuals those without preexisting sleep difficulties.

A validated verran and snyderhalpern vsh sleep scale measuring. The sleep experience of medical and surgical patients joan e. Eleven hospice patients received four sessions of hypnotherapy and completed the hospital anxiety and depression scale, the edmonton symptom assessment system, and the verran and snyderhalpern scale. This pilot study aimed to assess the benefits of hypnotherapy in the management of anxiety and other symptoms, including depression and sleep disturbance, in palliative care patients with cancer. It comprises of 15 questions and measures the disturbance of sleep, efficacy of sleep and need for additional sleep sleeping during daytime. Each morning subjects were asked an openended question about their perception of the nights sleep. The effect of sleep quality on patients in a coronary care. The effect of back massage on perceived sleep quality. An assessment of quality of sleep and the use of drugs. Verran and snyderhalpern sleep scale vsh springerlink. The proposed hypothesis was supported for the sleep characteristic, soundness of sleep, with an improvement.

The verran snyderhalpern sleep scale is a 14item questionnaire. The purpose of this study was to translate the verran and snyderhalpern vsh sleep scale into spanish and assess equivalence of translation. Their experience was assessed with the visual analogue scale for pain intensity, a numerical pain score, the oswestry disability questionnaire, the pain disability index, and the verran snyderhalpern sleep scale. The effects of aroma hand massage on fatigue and sleeping among hospice patients. This scale is used to evaluate sleep quality in hospitalized patients and their perception of sleep for the preceding. This represents a considerably lower value for quality of sleep. Actigraphy watches will be used to provide objective measures of sleep duration and latency and other sleep. Transdermal fentanyl as treatment for chronic low back pain. Halpern vsh sleep scale, an instrument to subjectively measure sleep. View enhanced pdf access article on wiley online library html view download pdf for offline viewing.

Verran and snyderhalpern sleep scale were used in the study. Medical surgical nursing journal effect of eye masks. The effect of eye mask on sleep quality in patients of coronary. A randomized controlled trial of aromatherapy massage in a hospice setting show all authors.

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